Wesley Rebouças

<code> I'm </code>

I'm Software Developer, living in Brazil, currently looking for opportunities to work with technologies such as React, React Native, and Swift.

In my free time, you can find me watching or reading sci-fi, playing my guitar, or hanging out with my friends. May the force be with you and live long and prosper!

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About me

I'm a software developer who's all about innovation and creativity. Born in Bahia's capital, I developed hardware projects like Arduino and Raspberry Pi during my college days, mixing my tech skills with creativity.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me enjoying some offline hobbies like drawing, diving into a good book, binging sci-fi series/movies, writing stories, and strumming my guitar or ukulele. I'm always up for discovering new eateries and and traveling. And my ultimate job aspiration? Work while globe-trotting around the world.

  • Nationality:


  • Location:

    Salvador, Ba

  • Study:

    Computer Engineering

  • Age:


  • Work:

    Seeking opportunities

  • Interests:

    Books, movies, guitar

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2022 - 2023

Junior Software Developer

Kinvo · Full-time

Development of the company's mobile application; Responsible for developing features and maintaining the application; React Native, Jest, TypeScript, Redux; Refactorings and implemented features helped maintainability in the app following the proposed design. Refactoring of the Services Layer, Implementation of the Investment Portfolio Goal, and Analysis of Graphic Libraries.


React Native, Typescript, Jest, Redux, Styled-Components, Git, SCRUM and JIRA

2021 - 2022

Systems Engineer

Ford Motor Company · Intern

Creation of a web page to assist in sharing processes and documentation for the entire System Engineering department. Using AngularJs, NodeJs, and PostegreSql; Assist in the development (Front-end) of the carpooling application for employees. Monitoring the construction processes of car feature documentation and horizontally assisting teams in order to share documentation; Designed pages increased page views.


Angular JS, JIRA, Git, Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Office

2020 - 2021

Mobile Developer

Crea-Ba · Intern

Assist in the development of the mobile inspection application; Responsible for the front-end of the application; Ionic was used for the interface development; UX changes in the interface improved the app flow and increased app usage and acceptance.


Ionic Framework, TypeScript, AngularJS, Git and WordPress

2019 - 2019

Technology Monitor

Antônio Vieira School · Full-time

Technology monitor in the school teaching staff; Responsible for creating, teaching, and adapting classes based on the methodology of the company Nave a Vela; Classes taught included Arduino, Scratch for Arduino(S4A), Processing, and App Inventor; Adapted classes for better interdisciplinary were recorded and used as a model.


Arduino, C, C++, Scratch for Arduino(S4A), Processing and App Inventor

2017 - 2018

Front-end Developer

SolidarEasy · Intern

Assist in web development on the company page; Responsible for front-end and backend testing; React Js for the front-end of the official page and Jest for backend data entry testing; Designed pages increased page views.


React.js, JavaScript, Linux, Git, and WordPress

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